Friday, October 31, 2008

This was our Saturday afternoon! Enjoy!

On the hayride to the pumpkin patch:

Sadly, the only picture of the 4 of us. Ever.

He may have a future in the shotput:

Although he tried, this was not the pumpkin we came home with:

This pumpkin was much easier to carry :)

I'm not sure how in the world we got him to stay still long enough AND look at the camera to take this picture:

Jason's conclusion when he saw this: BIG

And this was Ryan throughout the majority of the excursion. Tough life.

Happy Fall everyone!
I'm so behind on blogs, so I figure I'd do two in one and totally overwhelm you with pictures! Last week we spent a week at Delanco Camp in the Pine Barrens of NJ. Which equals LOTS of sand and pine trees. Here are some pictures from the week. Jason had a fabulous time and loved the water. He also figured out how to climb out of his pack n play, which served as his crib. Good times.
We never actually went in the boat in the water, but he liked to climb in and out of them!
SG1L3427He loved the water, was like a drowned rat the whoe time we were in there! (and the water is not dirty, it's a cedar lake which is why it's brown!)SG1L3503 The camp was for 4th, 5th and 6th graders, however there were about 3 other boys there that were slightly older than Jason (3 and 5 y/o) they had so much fun with the trucks!! SG1L3512 And my friend Teadora and I did a lot of this :) SG1L3518

And now for b'day pics :)
On his actual b'day we took him to Allaire State Park where they have real steam locomotive, he's been on it before, but loves it more each time we go!
I had found this great book by Shutterfly, that superimposes his face throughout a Sesame Street book SG1L3635
We took him out to dinner that night to our fav child-friendly restaurant: Chevy's. He loves the salsa and chips there:
And although he screamed bloody murder when the waitstaff came over and sang (loudly) to him, he was happy with his ice cream after they left :)
His party was the next day and it was "Bob the Builder" theme. Wow, did that go over well!! And we will now NEVER have a shortage of construction trucks in this house.
Decked out in his construction gear
This is actually the same decorated cake as last year, but I added some construction vehicles to make it a little different. I love Costco cakes, but they are limited in their designs. SG1L3681
One of the best toys he got was this roller coaster thing from Step 2. It was a HUGE hit at the party with all the kids. Jason loved it so much that he wouldn't get off the little cart, notice my cousin Kelli lifting him and the cart completely off the ground. Apparently she carried it this way to the top of the coaster! SG1L3677 Here's the link to the roller coaster.
It was seriously a huge hit for Jason all the up to the 5 y/olds that were there!

And I think that's enough for now. I have more pics at our site (, check em' out! Thanks for looking!
We had such a great day yesterday. We went to Scott's brother's house after naptime. They have a great pool, but lately, Jason has had this fear of water (except bathtime). When we were walking out to the pool, he kept saying, "No water! No water!" and holding on to dear life to me. However, our nephews, Alex and Christian were in the pool, and there are about 4 or 5 balls in and around the pool. So, within a half hour of "No water no water!", Jason and Daddy had their bathing suits on and Jason was splashing around with the boys! After dinner, we all headed over to the local lake and listened a fun little band called "The Party Dolls" and watched fireworks. I was afraid Jason wouldn't like them b/c he gets a little freaked at loud noises. However, he LOVED them! Here are some pics from the day :)

OK Dad, I'm not too sure about this:

But there are balls, so I'll even put my whole face in the water to get them!

I like this so much, I think I"ll spash Daddy!

Pinwheels and pretzels. What else is there to life?

He would take the pinwheel to all of us and let us blow on it to make it spin.

Ahh... bear, binky, pinwheel, and fireworks. NOW, my life is complete.

Oh yeah, and a glow necklace. This scene occurred about 10 minutes into the ride home. He was an exhausted little monkey!

Thanks for looking!
The local community park hosted an Earth Day event today. The weather was unbelievable, and the park was packed! There were lots of displays about being "green" and fun other activities. There was even a little petting zoo! Here are some pictures from the day :)

Checking out the DARE! police car: (Hopefully the ONLY time he'll be checking out the backseat of a police car!)

Trying to hula hoop, w/o much success:

Blowing bubbles:

Petting the goats:

Trying to pull him away from the bubble machine was next to impossible!

Daddy and son:

And finally: these were taken in the car in about 10 seconds. This is how fast we change our moods in this house:

Thanks for looking! Go for Green!!

Tee-hee! We held strong and didn't find out the sex. But it's a beautiful baby, with all 4 chambers of his/her heart, both arms, legs, and all the fingers and toes! That's all that matters to me :)
Here are some shots :)




Thumbsucking :)

Thanks for looking :)
I just felt the need to post some pictures today :) Jason had his first experience with snow, ever! He liked it at first, but then he touched it with his bare hands (he wouldn't let me put mittens on) and it was all over after that. And then just some fun pics of my little boy from the last month.

Not too sure at first:

Ooh, what's that, I have to touch it:

and now I'll scream:

My fur-child (who LOVES the snow!)

He loves him some Chef-Boy-Ardee

And fell asleep talking on the phone AND reading his book:

Thanks for looking :)
So, I went for my appt at the OB today. And he agrees with the u/s tech, that my due date is now Sept 1st :O That seems like a million years away. I know it'll probably go fast, but really, it just seems forever. I'll probably have my c/s on the 25th of August. Everything was good though, blood work was perfect and everything else seemed to *ahem* be in place. Thankfully no pap today, b/c I just had my yearly one last month before I knew I was preggo, but he still had to due cultures :sick: So, as you can tell by my new ticker, I'm only 8 weeks along. Hopefully next visit, I'll get to hear the hb!!

Oh! And I actually lost a couple pounds, but I think that's b/c of the stomach bug I had on Tues! }:)

Thanks for letting me share! Sorry for no pictures!
That looks like a funny word, doesn't it? Well, today was a day of many of them. My first OB appt, my first ultrasound, and Jason's first haircut!! It was a very good day.

My OB appt went well, he said everything seemed normal, and that my due date would be 8/17, and they would do a r-c/s the week before. He also said they would tie my tubes if I wanted. But I'm not too sure about that. That seems all to final for me. So, anyway, that would have put me around 8/11 having a c/s. Then I go to the u/s later in the afternoon. She had a hard time finding the little bugger, but we could see the little heart beat flickering! She measured me 2 weeks earlier, which put my due date at 9/1. I'm not so thrilled with that answer! So, we'll see what happens in the coming weeks. I go back in 2 weeks and talk to the doc some more about genetic testing and the bloodwork I had done today. I'm so all about 8/11 rather than 9/1!!!

In between the doctor appt and my u/s, we took Jason to get his first hair cut! As much as I adore his curls, it was getting really ratty looking. So, we took him for his haircut. And he did relatively well, only cried a little.

So, without further ado: some pictures for your enjoyment.

This is just a fun pic of my boys and little fur-child

And this is a good example of what he looked like before the hair cut today:

Hey! Whattya doin' to my hair?

I am not really happy with this!!

Oh? There's a balloon? Ok, you may proceed with the cutting.

I do NOT like this hot air on my head!!

Ah. I feel so much better! And, I can see now!! There's no hair in my face!

And finally: the new baby B. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but there is not much to see. You can see the sac, and the some of the white cloudy part is the baby. But I promised I'd post it, so here it is! I cropped it to take any identifying info out.
6 weeks

Thanks for looking!