Monday, October 27, 2008

I haven't been on here much. I have been lurking, but not posting, I just can't seem to keep up! (This is not one of my frustrations! ;) )

I just got back from the pedi to have Jason's ear re-checked from an infection 2 weeks ago, and it seems that it has not gone away even after 10 days of antibiotics. Now the dr. wants me to take him to an ENT to get his ears thoroughly checked. I don't know why this bothers me so much, I guess it's the mama bear in me that wants to protect him. I've been on the verge of crying since I left the office, I just feel so bad for him! I would never even know he was sick, he's such a good baby. And so begin the tears! This mommy thing is tough stuff!

So, I was just beginning to enjoy my summer vacation after being laid off almost 3 weeks ago, the agency called me to tell me one of the other social workers had an emergency appendectomy, and would I be able to provide some coverage temporarily. After a 30 minute wait on hold with the unemployment office, I guess I will only have a part time summer vacation and be covering for the next couple weeks! :( What a wild ride this is.

And the last one, if my husband says to me one more time "you're not going out wearing THAT, are you?" I'm going to kill him. I keep trying to explain to him, that spring/summer clothes from 2 YEARS AGO are not going to fit since last spring/summer I was in maternity clothes, and I've had a baby, so the only things that fit are XL T-Shirts and sweat pants! He pulls the "go to the gym" statment out at that point... which I have been, but it's not going to go away overnight, and regardless, I'M A DIFFERENT SHAPE!! I would like someone to pull a human being out of him, and see what he looks like! I love my husband, and he's such a good daddy, but he just doesn't get some things.

Ok. I'm done. I really just needed to get this all out of my system. If you've read this, I applaud and thank you from the bottom of my heart b/c it was a long one.

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