Friday, October 31, 2008

So, I went for my appt at the OB today. And he agrees with the u/s tech, that my due date is now Sept 1st :O That seems like a million years away. I know it'll probably go fast, but really, it just seems forever. I'll probably have my c/s on the 25th of August. Everything was good though, blood work was perfect and everything else seemed to *ahem* be in place. Thankfully no pap today, b/c I just had my yearly one last month before I knew I was preggo, but he still had to due cultures :sick: So, as you can tell by my new ticker, I'm only 8 weeks along. Hopefully next visit, I'll get to hear the hb!!

Oh! And I actually lost a couple pounds, but I think that's b/c of the stomach bug I had on Tues! }:)

Thanks for letting me share! Sorry for no pictures!

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